January 31, 2010

iPhone app!

So I've been getting yelled at lately for not updating my blog enough so I found a free app for that. Weekends are hard, went out to the bars last night and didn't have a single drink. Had some water and brought along a shake to drink around 10:30p, which was interesting. People looked at me a little strange but what can you do. I think I'm not as fun to be around when everyone else is drinking, or eating for that matter. I try to not make a big deal about it but the people closest to me can definitely tell I'm not having as much fun.

It's a little depressing, I miss food, but on Tuesday I'll be half way there. People like to remind me this is my choice, they don't want me to quit but everyone wants to make sure I know that. Well set record straight I definitely know this is self inflicted. I have no delusions about that fact. It's not my choice to gain weight mind you, if I could I'd eat whatever I wanted and never gain weight. That would be my choice if I was given one, but since that's not an option and I've let myself go, drastic times call for drastic measures. So here I am, trying not to be morbidly obese. Haha scary that I'm technically morbidly obese. Ugh.

Haha wow this post sucks, but at least it's from my iPhone! You wanted an update ;-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Leanne Nagle said...

you are being proactive. Right now it's rough, but you are doing this to be healthier.
Don't worry! You are losing weight, which is what you want to do. It's not like you are doing all this for nothing! You have the proof you are losing weight, keep up the good work!!
I am proud of you!!

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