January 15, 2010

Day 3: Early Evening

I'm hungry.  We'll have to see how the weekend goes, but I miss food a lot.  Haha.  This might be the "difficult" part of the first three days are the hardest, I think my body is starting to realize that it's not going to be getting much more than 1120 calories a day from me, and is freaking out a little.

I haven't eaten anything but the food they give me and some celery.  Tonight I might make some Green Beans or something equally delicious.  Definitely soup night tonight, I haven't had one since Day 1 and I miss warm food...

Maybe I'll throw random vegetables that I can eat into my soup, that might be good.

My goal for tonight is to update the blog with a post about my weigh in this past Tuesday, so that next Tuesday you all can see if I lost any weight.  Fingers crossed that I will!

PS: Is anyone still reading this?


Unknown said...

Dear Jake,

Even though I would rather be running around DC in search of a pyramid, I am still reading this.


Your Mom. Please don't yell at me.

Leanne Nagle said...

still reading-
still interested-
and still cheering you on.

you can do this.

ms brightside

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