January 19, 2010

Day 7: Morning

This is it!  My first weigh in day.  I didn't update too much over the weekend, I was mostly dealing with the fact that it's a little harder to diet when you don't have work.  I was literally sitting around watching TV because I needed a nice low key weekend after a week of hell at work.  But you wouldn't believe how natural it feels to be eating something while you're watching TV, and if that wasn't enough, every commercial was for some amazing new delicious food at some crappy chain restaurant.  I don't think I've ever craved Applebee's so much in my life.  I mean wtf, I hate Applebee's!

So at 12:30pm today I get to find out how much I lost.  Now I haven't actually been on the diet a week, I should have started this blog as Day 0, because technically I've been doing the diet for 6.2 days so far give or take, but today is the 7th day, and if I don't go in today, I won't have any food for tomorrow!

So I'm hoping to have lost 6-7 pounds.  Fingers crossed.  I may need some motivation if I only lost like 3 lbs because I feel like I could have done that just not eating 5 guys at all.  Also if I only lost like 3 lbs, or god forbid less than that, I may smack my Doctor for selling me snake oil!

The last few days weren't too bad.  Went down to visit Nate & Leanne this weekend, I think they had a harder time with my diet than I did.  Well Nathan couldn't believe I couldn't eat his chicken breast with this crazy sweet/hot sauce, it was delicious I had one bite.  I did have a salad.  The last few days I've really been craving some roughage so I've been taking 5 leaves of romaine and adding a little no calorie dressing that I got at Wegman's.  It's actually really quite delicious, and well within my 50 calories a day. 

Alright, wish me luck, I'll update later today.

1 comment:

Leanne Nagle said...

good luck!! Don't get discouraged if you didn't lose as much as you had hoped! It says it RIGHT in your literature from your doctor, slow weight loss is HEALTHY! We are proud of you, very proud. You can do this!

God- I'm such a mom aren't I?

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