February 23, 2010

Day 42: 6 weeks is over! Weigh In

Alright, 6 weeks is over.  I've lost 25 pounds in 6 weeks.  Which isn't too bad if I say so myself.  Sadly I lost about 5 pounds of muscle, but I also lost 20 pounds of fat, and I have a feeling it takes a lot less muscle to move me around at 25 pounds lighter, so that was to be expected.

Now I am switching gears a bit.  I am going to continue on a "diet" so to speak, but I am no longer going to only be eating shakes & bars.  Essentially I will replace 3 of my shakes and bars with two "light" meals, or if I want, one large meal of ~ 550 calories (which isn't a ton, but after 6 weeks of no meals, I feel like that's a meal fit for a king!)

You can see the stats below after 6 weeks:

 Starting Weight  after 6 weeks  change in weight
 Total Weight 283.5 Lbs 258.5 Lbs - 25 Lbs
Fat 95.5 Lbs 75.5 Lbs - 20 Lbs
Water 134.5 Lbs 134.5 Lbs + 0 Lb
Muscle 53.5 Lbs 48.5 Lbs - 5 Lbs

Now I had the option to continue on another 6 weeks, and they estimated I'd lose about another 25 pounds if I continued for 6 more weeks, but I honestly can't do it.  Well let me rephrase, I could do it if I wanted to, but my goal was to get a jump start on a new diet, and I think I accomplished that.  Now I'm going to go another 2 weeks, while having 3 of the shakes/ bar a day and a meal and see how that goes.  After two weeks of that, I will most likely switch off of it entirely and either strictly count calories, or maybe do something like Weight Watchers.  We'll see how the next two weeks go!

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone over the past 6 weeks, it's been totally crazy and not super easy, but now that it's done, it was a great experience, and I'm feeling better than I have in years.  Thank you all!


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