February 22, 2010

Day 41: Tomorrow it ends!

So tomorrow will mark the last day of my 6 weeks of craziness!  I can't believe I made it.  I can literally count on one hand the times I "cheated" over the 6 weeks, and it was never like, eating a slice of pizza, it was always a conscientious cheating, if there was such a thing.

So I plan on celebrating, most likely with a big steak or something, and maybe some cici's pizza.  Then I'm going to take advantage of the jump start I got and continue down this path.  I've started exercising now, and I was able to work out 3 times this week if you count helping people move this weekend, which was actually more work than I would have if I were exercising.

Today I did 8.5 miles on the bike, which was 40 minutes.  It felt quite good and I'm really enjoying breaking up the work day with a little exercise.  It keeps the blood flowing and I feel more alert.  You have no idea how excited I am to be able to eat "meals" of food again.  I am so damn happy to be done, it's not even funny.  I finish out today, and then tomorrow. And then I will yell Freeeeeedoooooooom. Hopefully without someone ripping out my intestines.  :)

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