February 10, 2010

Day 28: Weigh In

The weather outside sucks, it took forever to walk to my dr (who is near my office, but the office wasn't open because of the weather), I weighed in and I didn't lose much weight, but my muscle mass didn't change, which is definitely a good thing.  So I actually gained some water, and lost some fat.  All good signs.  I'm about 2.5 lbs away from being under 260, which is totally exciting.  I can't wait to be like, oh yeah I weigh ~ 250.  That'll be awesome.

ONLY TWO MORE WEEKS OF THIS DIET!  I'm so stoked!  21 lbs in a month, not too bad I don't think.  18 of the 21 pounds is fat, so that's way exciting. 

 Starting Weight  after 4 weeks  change in weight
 Total Weight 283.5 Lbs 262.5 Lbs - 21 Lbs
Fat 95.5 Lbs 77.5 Lbs - 18 Lbs
Water 134.5 Lbs 135.0 Lbs + .5 Lb
Muscle 53.5 Lbs 50.0 Lbs - 3.5 Lbs


Dan said...

Can you tell I'm excited?

Unknown said...

Why are you commenting on your own post? hahaha
Good work!!!

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