February 16, 2010

Day 35: Weigh In

Well I technically lost .5 a pound this week, but not the good kind.  I actually gained a half pound of fat and lost a pound of muscle.  I think the week of snow, where I didn't leave my apartment for the entire week took its toll.  Usually I walk about a mile a day just in my commute to and from work.  But this week that didn't happen at all.  Also on Valentine's day, I definitely decided to have a few beers.  I went out for a fun night of trivia and I really wanted to just let loose a little and enjoy myself. 

So I think the perfect storm of lack of any exercise and having a few beers on Valentines Day definitely caused an issue this week.  The bright side is I didn't gain any weight really, but I think I've hit the max weight I will lose without really assisting with exercise.  Up until now I've done minimal (sometimes none) exercise.  So I really need to buckle down this week and work out at least 3 or 4 times this week.  A combination of cardio and lifting should be good, maybe get back some of that muscle that I lost.  Also I miss my Wii Fit, so I think I will need to get out and purchase a Wii since my roommate is moving out and I don't actually own a Wii. 

 Starting Weight  after 5 weeks  change in weight
 Total Weight 283.5 Lbs 262 Lbs - 21.5 Lbs
Fat 95.5 Lbs 78 Lbs - 17.5 Lbs
Water 134.5 Lbs 135.0 Lbs + .5 Lb
Muscle 53.5 Lbs 49.0 Lbs - 4.5 Lbs

Ok, goals for this week are work out 3 times cardio and 3 times lifting.  They can be in the same session or broken up.  I'll let you all know how I do.


Leanne Nagle said...

I know you feel disapointed, but don't!
You are doing really well, you are eating so well, and you look amazing!

We are there for you!!

Unknown said...

You can totally do this! Some weeks are just harder than others. The key is not giving up! Call me if you need a cheerleader.

Kamlesh Nihalani said...

Way to go Dan!!! I am proud of you buddy...this is excellent work...I am really impressed with your dedication...About the beer...I believe beer on valentine's is an acceptable aberration...atleast you didnt indulge in a sweetheart sampler...strawberries covered in chocolate...;)...see you soon dude...

Unknown said...

Just a few more days! I am so proud of you!

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