February 23, 2010

Day 42: 6 weeks is over! Weigh In

Alright, 6 weeks is over.  I've lost 25 pounds in 6 weeks.  Which isn't too bad if I say so myself.  Sadly I lost about 5 pounds of muscle, but I also lost 20 pounds of fat, and I have a feeling it takes a lot less muscle to move me around at 25 pounds lighter, so that was to be expected.

Now I am switching gears a bit.  I am going to continue on a "diet" so to speak, but I am no longer going to only be eating shakes & bars.  Essentially I will replace 3 of my shakes and bars with two "light" meals, or if I want, one large meal of ~ 550 calories (which isn't a ton, but after 6 weeks of no meals, I feel like that's a meal fit for a king!)

You can see the stats below after 6 weeks:

 Starting Weight  after 6 weeks  change in weight
 Total Weight 283.5 Lbs 258.5 Lbs - 25 Lbs
Fat 95.5 Lbs 75.5 Lbs - 20 Lbs
Water 134.5 Lbs 134.5 Lbs + 0 Lb
Muscle 53.5 Lbs 48.5 Lbs - 5 Lbs

Now I had the option to continue on another 6 weeks, and they estimated I'd lose about another 25 pounds if I continued for 6 more weeks, but I honestly can't do it.  Well let me rephrase, I could do it if I wanted to, but my goal was to get a jump start on a new diet, and I think I accomplished that.  Now I'm going to go another 2 weeks, while having 3 of the shakes/ bar a day and a meal and see how that goes.  After two weeks of that, I will most likely switch off of it entirely and either strictly count calories, or maybe do something like Weight Watchers.  We'll see how the next two weeks go!

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone over the past 6 weeks, it's been totally crazy and not super easy, but now that it's done, it was a great experience, and I'm feeling better than I have in years.  Thank you all!

February 22, 2010

Day 41: Tomorrow it ends!

So tomorrow will mark the last day of my 6 weeks of craziness!  I can't believe I made it.  I can literally count on one hand the times I "cheated" over the 6 weeks, and it was never like, eating a slice of pizza, it was always a conscientious cheating, if there was such a thing.

So I plan on celebrating, most likely with a big steak or something, and maybe some cici's pizza.  Then I'm going to take advantage of the jump start I got and continue down this path.  I've started exercising now, and I was able to work out 3 times this week if you count helping people move this weekend, which was actually more work than I would have if I were exercising.

Today I did 8.5 miles on the bike, which was 40 minutes.  It felt quite good and I'm really enjoying breaking up the work day with a little exercise.  It keeps the blood flowing and I feel more alert.  You have no idea how excited I am to be able to eat "meals" of food again.  I am so damn happy to be done, it's not even funny.  I finish out today, and then tomorrow. And then I will yell Freeeeeedoooooooom. Hopefully without someone ripping out my intestines.  :)

February 19, 2010

Day 38: Exercise!

So today I worked out at work.  Between that and helping people move, I've been doing a lot of exercise lately.  I'm hoping that it helps.  I've also finally got a Wii so I can use Wii Fit Plus to weigh in everyday (or every couple days) and make sure things are going the way I want them.  Gearing up for the conclusion of only eating crazy food.  It's exciting!

I'm hoping to get to work out once this weekend, and then again on Monday.  That will put me at 3 times this week, I also plan on doing some lifting this weekend as well.  It's not as much as I hoped but there's just never enough time in the day it seems.

Thanks all for the words of encouragement!  Only a few more days to go.

February 16, 2010

Day 35: Weigh In

Well I technically lost .5 a pound this week, but not the good kind.  I actually gained a half pound of fat and lost a pound of muscle.  I think the week of snow, where I didn't leave my apartment for the entire week took its toll.  Usually I walk about a mile a day just in my commute to and from work.  But this week that didn't happen at all.  Also on Valentine's day, I definitely decided to have a few beers.  I went out for a fun night of trivia and I really wanted to just let loose a little and enjoy myself. 

So I think the perfect storm of lack of any exercise and having a few beers on Valentines Day definitely caused an issue this week.  The bright side is I didn't gain any weight really, but I think I've hit the max weight I will lose without really assisting with exercise.  Up until now I've done minimal (sometimes none) exercise.  So I really need to buckle down this week and work out at least 3 or 4 times this week.  A combination of cardio and lifting should be good, maybe get back some of that muscle that I lost.  Also I miss my Wii Fit, so I think I will need to get out and purchase a Wii since my roommate is moving out and I don't actually own a Wii. 

 Starting Weight  after 5 weeks  change in weight
 Total Weight 283.5 Lbs 262 Lbs - 21.5 Lbs
Fat 95.5 Lbs 78 Lbs - 17.5 Lbs
Water 134.5 Lbs 135.0 Lbs + .5 Lb
Muscle 53.5 Lbs 49.0 Lbs - 4.5 Lbs

Ok, goals for this week are work out 3 times cardio and 3 times lifting.  They can be in the same session or broken up.  I'll let you all know how I do.

February 10, 2010

Day 28: Weigh In

The weather outside sucks, it took forever to walk to my dr (who is near my office, but the office wasn't open because of the weather), I weighed in and I didn't lose much weight, but my muscle mass didn't change, which is definitely a good thing.  So I actually gained some water, and lost some fat.  All good signs.  I'm about 2.5 lbs away from being under 260, which is totally exciting.  I can't wait to be like, oh yeah I weigh ~ 250.  That'll be awesome.

ONLY TWO MORE WEEKS OF THIS DIET!  I'm so stoked!  21 lbs in a month, not too bad I don't think.  18 of the 21 pounds is fat, so that's way exciting. 

 Starting Weight  after 4 weeks  change in weight
 Total Weight 283.5 Lbs 262.5 Lbs - 21 Lbs
Fat 95.5 Lbs 77.5 Lbs - 18 Lbs
Water 134.5 Lbs 135.0 Lbs + .5 Lb
Muscle 53.5 Lbs 50.0 Lbs - 3.5 Lbs

February 3, 2010

Day 22: Work Retreat

So today we have a work retreat and it is lunch time. We're at Busboys and Poets, which is kind of a fun place, but the catering here looks really good and everyone is eating sandwiches and wraps, chips and looks like a salad but already has the dressing on it, so I can't partake. *sigh*

Marakie (coworker and friend) has informed me the food is terrible and I love her for it. I have decided to believe her implicitly, the food here is crap. Just got a little easier.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

February 2, 2010

Day 21: Weigh in

Well just finished the 3rd week.  Or to be more accurate, tonight will be the end of my first 3 weeks.  Feeling pretty good, I've been getting an injection of B12 when I pick up my food, mostly because they're fun and they give energy and boost metabolism.  Also there doesn't seem to be any side effects, at least none that I suffer from so I might as well.  The weigh in!

 Starting Weight  after 3 weeks  change in weight
 Total Weight 283.5 Lbs 265.5 Lbs - 18 Lbs
Fat 95.5 Lbs 81.5 Lbs - 14 Lbs
Water 134.5 Lbs 134.0 Lbs - .5 Lb
Muscle 53.5 Lbs 50.0 Lbs - 3.5 Lbs

How about that, plus I finally broke the 270 mark which has always been a huge hurdle for me.  I'm down 18 total pounds and I'm over half way done.  I am hoping to loose about 12 more pounds in the last 3 weeks, which would put me at 30 pounds in 6 weeks, which would be awesome and put me at about 250 - 255 pounds.  That would be an excellent jump start, and I can finally move from this crazy food to more normal food and continue to lose weight.  My ultimate goal is still in the 215 - 225 range, which if memory serves me, I looked and felt pretty good at.  It has been like a decade though, so who knows at this point!