January 31, 2010

iPhone app!

So I've been getting yelled at lately for not updating my blog enough so I found a free app for that. Weekends are hard, went out to the bars last night and didn't have a single drink. Had some water and brought along a shake to drink around 10:30p, which was interesting. People looked at me a little strange but what can you do. I think I'm not as fun to be around when everyone else is drinking, or eating for that matter. I try to not make a big deal about it but the people closest to me can definitely tell I'm not having as much fun.

It's a little depressing, I miss food, but on Tuesday I'll be half way there. People like to remind me this is my choice, they don't want me to quit but everyone wants to make sure I know that. Well set record straight I definitely know this is self inflicted. I have no delusions about that fact. It's not my choice to gain weight mind you, if I could I'd eat whatever I wanted and never gain weight. That would be my choice if I was given one, but since that's not an option and I've let myself go, drastic times call for drastic measures. So here I am, trying not to be morbidly obese. Haha scary that I'm technically morbidly obese. Ugh.

Haha wow this post sucks, but at least it's from my iPhone! You wanted an update ;-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

January 26, 2010

Day 14: Weigh In

Here we are, another week down.  Only 1 month to go.  After two weeks I have lost 12.5 Lbs, which I guess isn't too shabby.  I would much rather lose more than that, but I like most Americans want this to be quick and painless.  I didn't get to 283.5 Lbs quickly, so I guess I shouldn't be thinking it'll come off quickly.  Gaining the weight was a lot more fun though, I remember CiCi's Pizza, and Al's Cheese steaks.  Those were the days.  I am losing a bit of muscle, but they said I'm well within the normal range of muscle loss.  It's very difficult to lose a lot of weight and not lose any muscle.  Also I haven't been lifting weights as much as I would like to, so I need to try and get down to the gym more.

 Starting Weight
 after 2 weeks
 change in weight
 Total Weight
283.5 Lbs
271 Lbs
- 12.5 Lbs
95.5 Lbs
85.5 Lbs
- 10 Lbs
134.5 Lbs
134.0 Lbs
- .5 Lb
53.5 Lbs
51.0 Lbs
- 2.5 Lbs

The funny thing is if you look at the numbers, I actually gained a pound of water back (if you look at last weeks numbers).  This could either have something to do with the beef jerky I ate this weekend (opps) or just in general I always hover around that much water weight.  I'm not going to have any beef jerky this week and we'll see if the water weight comes down.  They actually encourage a high water percentage, athletes have 60% water percentage (I'm at 49.5%) while those that are very obese can have as low as 30%.  Kind of interesting. 

January 24, 2010

Day 12: Tough Weekend

So I took a little weekend trip, and it was the hardest time I've had with my diet so far. Honestly I never realized how much you eat when you go on a road trip, or at least how much I enjoy eating when I go on a roadtrip. I totally blame my parents (sorry mom & dad) but whenever we go anywhere in the car we have a TON of food, and we love to stop and try new restaurants. I tried to stick to my diet as much as possible, but I made a few substitutions.

On Saturday, I ended up swapping out a bar for some beef jerky. Man have I missed meat. I can now say that I would not make a good vegetarian, I freaking love meat. Then I went to a diner type restaurant called the Pink Cadillac, and it was as amazing as its website. The prices were so crazy low, after being in the city so long, I forgot how cheap it was just 3 hours outside of DC. I decided to have a salad and a cup of chili. I only had half the cup because it was almost entirely meat, but they were both very good.

Today I've almost entirely stuck to the diet, but I did have another small bag of beef jerky. Keep in mind that these bags of beef jerky are actually not bad for me. 120 calories 1.5g of fat 22g of protein. All of my meals are normally 160 calories, so it's a little low on the calories, but it's also low fat & high protein, which is exactly what this diet calls for, my shakes are 160 calories, 3g of fat and 16g of protein, so even though I'm cheating a little (don't ask about the sodium content in the jerky) I think it's still alright.

So while I may have strayed a little, I'm hoping it wasn't too detrimental. Still hoping to lose 4 lbs this week, we shall see how things go on Tuesday!

January 21, 2010

Day 9: The day I discovered Sobe Life Water

Sobe lifewater? It's delicious. I went over to Safeway today and got myself a cucumber and a pack of Crystal Light Green Tea Raspberry (that's a mouthful) "on the go" packs, so I can mix my own drinks when I want something with a little flavor. I've been drinking about 10 cups of water a day, and by cups I mean pints. So sometimes I just want something that has taste. Well anyway, I picked them up and I was looking for a 20 oz bottle of water, and they had absolutely none! So I had to get this Sobe lifewater, which has 0 calories. And wow was I surprised, it's absolutely delicious!

Also, I ate a cucumber, like just ate it, peel and all. (I washed it first) It was quite good as well, and made my side of the office smell delicious. Now that I don't have Field Berry anymore, my milk shakes have been quite enjoyable.

January 20, 2010

Day 8: Week 2

Well I'm now into my second week. Things are already going better, I've only got food I like! No more "Field Berry", which was a cross between chalk, sugar, and Pepto Bismol. It was absolutely disgusting.

This week I may talk a bit about the food, and my thoughts. I may come up with a poor man's version of this diet. Which wouldn't be medical advice of course. But it occurs to me that I won't have much to talk about other than. Mmm food, still going strong, yada yada yada. So I will have to get a little more creative about my discussions.

Last night I did have some Asparagus, that you microwave and it steams itself. I cooked it a little long, but it was really quite delicious. That was my 50 calories. :)

January 19, 2010

Day 7: Weigh In

Alright!  Just got back from the doctor.  It was a good visit, they're quite busy, seems like a lot of people are getting into this new plan.  I picked up another weeks worth of food, (this time getting more soups and not getting the food that tasted like ass).  I think week 2 is going to be easier if for no other reason than I don't have to eat the crappy food that I didn't know tasted bad.

Oh I know you're all just waiting to see the numbers, alright here we go!

 Starting Weight
 after 1 week
 change in weight
 Total Weight
283.5 Lbs
275 Lbs
- 8.5 Lbs
95.5 Lbs
89.5 Lbs
- 6 Lbs
134.5 Lbs
133.5 Lbs
- 1 Lb
53.5 Lbs
52.5 Lbs
- 1 Lb

So as you can see, I lost 8.5 lbs!  With a large portion of it being fat.  That's very exciting.  I don't want to keep losing muscle though, so I need to keep up at the gym.  They don't round the total number, but they do round the other weights, so that's why it doesn't add up exact, but I am very excited.  Week 1 down and I'm 8.5 Lbs lighter.  She definitely let me know not to expect this type of loss every week, the first week is the most, and the next five weeks I'll average between 3 - 5 lbs a week.  But that's still good.  I'm on pace to lose 28.5 Lbs in 6 weeks.  Can't complain there!

Day 7: Morning

This is it!  My first weigh in day.  I didn't update too much over the weekend, I was mostly dealing with the fact that it's a little harder to diet when you don't have work.  I was literally sitting around watching TV because I needed a nice low key weekend after a week of hell at work.  But you wouldn't believe how natural it feels to be eating something while you're watching TV, and if that wasn't enough, every commercial was for some amazing new delicious food at some crappy chain restaurant.  I don't think I've ever craved Applebee's so much in my life.  I mean wtf, I hate Applebee's!

So at 12:30pm today I get to find out how much I lost.  Now I haven't actually been on the diet a week, I should have started this blog as Day 0, because technically I've been doing the diet for 6.2 days so far give or take, but today is the 7th day, and if I don't go in today, I won't have any food for tomorrow!

So I'm hoping to have lost 6-7 pounds.  Fingers crossed.  I may need some motivation if I only lost like 3 lbs because I feel like I could have done that just not eating 5 guys at all.  Also if I only lost like 3 lbs, or god forbid less than that, I may smack my Doctor for selling me snake oil!

The last few days weren't too bad.  Went down to visit Nate & Leanne this weekend, I think they had a harder time with my diet than I did.  Well Nathan couldn't believe I couldn't eat his chicken breast with this crazy sweet/hot sauce, it was delicious I had one bite.  I did have a salad.  The last few days I've really been craving some roughage so I've been taking 5 leaves of romaine and adding a little no calorie dressing that I got at Wegman's.  It's actually really quite delicious, and well within my 50 calories a day. 

Alright, wish me luck, I'll update later today.

January 16, 2010

Day 4: Finally!

So my doctor had said that the first 3 days would be the hardest, and I wasn't quite sure why or what to expect after the first 3 days.  But now that day 4 is over, I completely understand.  Today I had a ton of energy and for whatever reason had absolutely no problems with hunger.  When I had my soup, I actually felt full, and I felt full after each of my "shakes" today actually.  I'm quite excited.

With my new energy I decided to work out, did some lifting and 5 miles on the stationary bike.  I did 5 loads of laundry, cleaed up my computer desk, did some research online, and even found time to hang up all my clothes and buy that water filter for the fridge (go Amazon Prime)

So here's to tomorrow being as good as today!  Good night all.

January 15, 2010

Weigh In & Background Info

So I've been meaning to post an update about my first weigh in, and give a little bit of an explanation on how the diet works.  It's pretty simple really, almost too simple.  But I really wanted something that was easy to follow and didn't require any additional thought.

Currently I'm set at 1120 calories a day.  Which is so very little.  To put that in perspective, a 5 Guys Bacon Cheeseburger with Ketchup and Mayo is also 1120 calories.   So I could just buy one, cut it into 7 pieces and eat it throughout the day as well.  Good chance that wouldn't really satisfy me. 

I have a list of "foods" that I can choose from, the vast majority are "shakes", there are also bars and two kinds of soup.  Some of the shakes are premade and come in what looks like a new age drink box you had as a kid, with the straw attached to the outside.  Others are in a plastic bottle, with powder in, that you just add water to.  Both aren't too bad, the one you add water too can also be made into a pudding or a sorbet.

So I have to have at least 4 shakes a day, the other 3 slots I can have either another shake, a soup, or a bar.  Because I like variety, I go for the 4 minimum, with 2 bars and a soup usually.  Which isn't too bad.  The food is all designed to be high in protein, low in fat, and to elevate my metabolism, it's also all exactly 160 calories.  160 x 7 = 1120

I go to my doctor (primary care physician) and I weigh in every week, we discuss the previous week and make sure I am doing alright, and that I'm healthy and not doing anything dangerous.  The first weigh in is shown below.  Take a look, I'm going to be as open as possible, so that if I cheat you can all be on my case, and if I kick ass, you can cheer me on!  ;-)

Weight: 283.5 lbs
Total Fat % : 33.6%
Total Body Water %: 47.5%

Stay tuned for next Tuesday where I will weigh in again, and I'll let you know how much I've lost! 

Day 3: Early Evening

I'm hungry.  We'll have to see how the weekend goes, but I miss food a lot.  Haha.  This might be the "difficult" part of the first three days are the hardest, I think my body is starting to realize that it's not going to be getting much more than 1120 calories a day from me, and is freaking out a little.

I haven't eaten anything but the food they give me and some celery.  Tonight I might make some Green Beans or something equally delicious.  Definitely soup night tonight, I haven't had one since Day 1 and I miss warm food...

Maybe I'll throw random vegetables that I can eat into my soup, that might be good.

My goal for tonight is to update the blog with a post about my weigh in this past Tuesday, so that next Tuesday you all can see if I lost any weight.  Fingers crossed that I will!

PS: Is anyone still reading this?

January 14, 2010

Day 2: Mid Afternoon

Damn I need to chew something.  I checked my list of available foods I can have, I'm only allowed to stray 50 calories from the food provided with the program, so I decided I can eat a whole bunch of celery. 

So I ran over to the Safeway and decided to pick some up.  It's absolutely delicious.  How scary is that?  I was excited for celery! 

Thanks to Hailey for snapping this photo, she thought it was hilarious she was there buying a sandwich and I was there with a thing of celery.  The lady at the checkout looked at me funny too. 

Day 2: Early morning

Alright so here we are in Day 2.  Things I learned from the previous day...  This program makes the vast majority of its food taste like candy.  I guess fat kids love candy, but when I made the chicken soup last night (made = pour boiling water into a bowl mixed with powder) it was delicious.  After milk shakes and the dietary equivalent of candy bars, I forgot how much I missed food that wasn't sweet.  I never thought I'd say that in a million years.

The water in my apartment tastes like ass.  Wow, I had no idea, I never had to drink it while not eating something and it's really not very good at all.  Note to self, buy a Brita (someone else may enjoy this revelation)

Other revelation:  I can do this... It's all mindset and I didn't miss food much.  I miss chewing though, I may buy like a head of lettuce or some celery.  Do they make gum that isn't sweet?  Maybe tastes like a steak or cheeseburger?  I'll call Willy Wonka.

January 13, 2010

Day 1: Early Evening

Holy crap I'm starving.  I keep drinking water when I feel hungry.  Not going to fall off the wagon on day one, they said the first 3 days are the hardest.  I think it's more psychological than anything else, i don't actually feel like I'm missing food, I just feel like my stomach is empty.  It's really an odd feeling, my stomach is probably fairly large, and it should start shrinking soon. 

I'll post more in the about section and maybe some FAQs, I know people are interested in hearing about the food.  If others find this blog, they might be interested in learning the costs and other things.  It's definitely not cheap, I'll talk more at some point about how I think it's so very difficult for low income households to eat healthy.  It's a shame really.

Day 1: Mid Afternoon

So today I started my journey.  This will last at least 6 weeks, and Day 1 is going off without too much trouble.  I woke up this morning, excited to try my first "shake", unfortunately it didn't taste quite like the delicious chocolate shake I had envisioned.  It tasted like they made something that was good for me and then added some cocoa to it.  Which is fine, it actually tasted alright, I can drink a bunch of those.

We had a staff meeting today, and the office ordered Chipotle, everyone got a free burrito.  Today was my first test... I passed but WTF, normally we order some lame ass veggie option from some ethnicity half way across the country.  Today we order what might be my favorite fast food option.  Well that's fine, it's a good test, I passed thankfully.

So far today I've eaten a Chocolate Shake, A Crisp 'N Crunchy Fudge Graham Bar, and Cookies and Cream Bar. I have 4 "meals" left to go.  I've had a few glasses of water and I had my 1 Coke Zero that I'm allowed...  I'm going to miss Coke Zero the most.